An art show dedicated to the Broken-Hearted
February 15th 6-9 pm
Don’t miss this one-night event with work from 7 local artists that explore love through the eyes of the scorned, mad, hungry and obsessed. Appropriately timed on Feb 15th 2020, this heartbreak fest is a perfect antidote to chocolate hearts, snuggling couples and sickeningly-sweet sentiments typically associated with love. From gore to satire, participating artists are exploring themes and expressions of love through various mediums, including illustrations, ceramics, painting, music and photography.
Featured Artists:
Ando Ehlers, Broken Calliope, Dan Infecto, Elisha Marie Brilhante, Gabrielle Denby, Heather Cornelius and TJ DeMots.
Acoustic Musical Guests: Kelsey Crow and Stoned Evergreen Travelers.
$7 suggested donation. 6-9pm
Ando Ehlers is an RN by day and mixed media creative by night. In his series titled “The Garden of Ruin” Ehlers explores the emotions that ruin our relationships through a series of portraits. These creatures are the plants that are grown from such things as anger, jealousy, lust, and more. https://www.curseofthedemontree.com Heather Cornelius: Pears – This figurative fruit depicts the sensuality of the female body in its raw form. The flesh of the fruit which houses the seed. She is mysterious and delicious. Heather Cornelius is a Tacoma artist working primarily in ceramics. She exhibits her work nationally and locally. https://www.instagram.com/hcceramics/ Dan Infecto: Local Seattle Artist and Musician. www.daninfecto.com Gabrielle Denby: Monstrous Love – A collection of illustrations of monsters in cliche scenarios of romance, but with a touch of sincere affection. Playing with hackneyed romantic themes through monsters in love. https://www.instagram.com/gabsdenby/ Elisha Brilhante or El Marie Catastrophe, photographer and editor of Catastrophe Photography. I enjoy dark, sensual and weird because the everyday normal can get boring. I’m also co-partner of PNW Mythical Muses, a collaboration team who supports local performing artists around the South Sound. A Tacoma native, I love everything about our gritty city and the creative humans it. www.facebook.com/pg/CatastrophePhotography1/about/ Mary Brown: Taking command of, becoming numb to, or reflecting back on love and its twisted nature, this work is my catharsis. The anatomical heart outside the body is both symbolic of love and life, and its presence here expresses love’s pain. The exaggerated features and vivid colors used reflect the child in me who desperately seeks emotional nourishment and affection, and the dull, doll-like faces are indicative of a sort of anesthetic mask. TJ DeMots: Bloody Valentine – Inspired by the loss of a “dream-come-true,” I use sweet hallmark sentiments to express how love can lead to acts of madness, rage, and self-destruction. www.tjdemots.com – Makeup by Nightshade Artistry