¿What is Truth?

Oil on Linen – New work by Peter Sheesley
April 18th – June 14th 2013
Opening Reception: April 18th 6-9pm

Show CardIn every society the “Artist” plays an essential role as a communicator, offering insight and dimension to common concepts and phenomena. Peter Sheesley speaks to us through his current body of work titled ¿What is Truth? This series of ten paintings are a visual translation of passages selected from religious manuscript. A thoroughly rendered figure is suspended within an ethereal abstract space. The resulting juxtaposition produces a dreamlike pan dimensional quality. Along with the visual juxtaposition Peter explores the concept of the Nude verses Naked. (more…)

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Mixed Media Paintings – Marsha Glazière
February 21st April 12th 2013
Opening Reception: February. 21st 6-9 pm

CompositeThe only way to examine a departed culture is through its legacy of artifacts. Like the Egyptian pyramids and the Pantheon of Rome we shall be known as The Great Road Builders. Marsha Glazière reworks these monumental formations into intimate landscapes. Coaxing the essence of sun-dappled glen from visually neglected industrial spaces. (more…)

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