Fantastic Guts

PrintDrawing & Illustrations by Noah Josiah Struthers

September 18th – October 17th

We are but bones and squishy bags of meat, a true collection of Fantastic Guts. Considerable time and space were spanned to produce these works, many of which I don’t feel compelled to explain; the commonalities are evident. However, if one desires a deeper analysis, then look to the cognitive dissonance. It is the connection and disconnection of all of these bits, pieces and tools that we use to get us through. The narratives that we tell ourselves, the physical objects with which we manipulate the world, they all fascinate me. A picture is always just a picture. A pallet with guts and flowers on it is just that; any other meaning placed on it is in your hands. But we must have a narrative, you might say. Well, I say it takes some fantastic guts to not hand you the story. It all means nothing and something depending on how your squish and wires and chemistry respond. Enjoy.  -Noah Struthers



Born and raised in Tacoma, Noah Struthers is a unique product of this “blue collar” environment. His particular mechanic-laborer experiences were tainted early on by artistic explorations, resulting in a unique hybrid of outsider-illustrator art. His work addresses themes of local identity, mechanical structures, nature, and wildlife. As well this artist, illustrator, and craftsman is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Second Cycle Community Bicycle Shop.

Tacoma logo

Noah has received many awards and recognitions. Most recently he was selected for the Tacoma Artist Initiative Program in 2013. He creates regular work for Post Defiance Online Magazine, and the Squeak and Squawk music festival along with many other organizations.

* This show was funded in part by the Tacoma Arts Commission.